Mad Max: Fury Road is a 2015 action film directed and produced by George Miller, and written by Miller, Brendan McCarthy and Nico Lathouris. The fourth instalment in the Mad Max franchise, the film is set in a future desert wasteland where gasoline and water are scarce commodities. It follows Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy), who joins forces with Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron) to flee from cult leader Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne) and his army in an armoured tanker truck, which leads to a lengthy road battle.
Tom Hardy plays Max Rockatansky, the title character and protagonist of the post-apocalyptic action films from the Mad Max franchise, which spans 1979 to 2015. He appears in the films Mad Max, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, and Mad Max: Fury Road. Created by director George Miller and producer Byron Kennedy, the character was played by actor Mel Gibson in the first three films, and by Tom Hardy in the fourth.
This is not the first Mad Max related figure to hit the market. ART Figures had previewed their version, the AF-019 1:6 scale Crazy Racer 12-inch figure earlier this month - see my toy blog post HERE with lots of pictures. Compare them with the images in this post and make your decision.
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VTS Toys (VM-014) 1/6th scale Wasteland Ranger 12-inch figure will come with real like head sculpt, action body, two (2) pair of hands. Costume / outfit: black scarf, black leather jacket, black leather pants, black leather belt, combat boots, tactical body vest, T-shirt. Weapons: Glock 17, sawed off shotgun, SKS rifle and sight, combat knife, M9 pistol with magazine, Uzi mag x 2, AK47 mag x 2, shotgun shell x 4, grenade x 3, 7.62mm linked ammo (metal), 7.62mm bullet x 8, MP5 mag x 2. Accessories: drop leg pistol holster, medical aid box, leg brace, shoulder pads, bracelet, mask (metal), iron chain, transfusion tube, stock cheek rest cartridge stock ammo pouch, figure stand
Tom Hardy plays Max Rockatansky, the title character and protagonist of the post-apocalyptic action films from the Mad Max franchise, which spans 1979 to 2015. He appears in the films Mad Max, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, and Mad Max: Fury Road. Created by director George Miller and producer Byron Kennedy, the character was played by actor Mel Gibson in the first three films, and by Tom Hardy in the fourth.
This is not the first Mad Max related figure to hit the market. ART Figures had previewed their version, the AF-019 1:6 scale Crazy Racer 12-inch figure earlier this month - see my toy blog post HERE with lots of pictures. Compare them with the images in this post and make your decision.
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VTS Toys (VM-014) 1/6th scale Wasteland Ranger 12-inch figure will come with real like head sculpt, action body, two (2) pair of hands. Costume / outfit: black scarf, black leather jacket, black leather pants, black leather belt, combat boots, tactical body vest, T-shirt. Weapons: Glock 17, sawed off shotgun, SKS rifle and sight, combat knife, M9 pistol with magazine, Uzi mag x 2, AK47 mag x 2, shotgun shell x 4, grenade x 3, 7.62mm linked ammo (metal), 7.62mm bullet x 8, MP5 mag x 2. Accessories: drop leg pistol holster, medical aid box, leg brace, shoulder pads, bracelet, mask (metal), iron chain, transfusion tube, stock cheek rest cartridge stock ammo pouch, figure stand