Naruto (ナルト) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. It tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and dreams to become the Hokage, the ninja in his village who is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of all. The series is based on a one-shot manga by Kishimoto that was published in the August 1997 issue of Akamaru Jump.
As of October 2015, the manga has sold over 220 million copies worldwide, making it the third best-selling manga series in history. The manga is also available in 35 countries outside Japan. It has also become one of North American publisher Viz Media's best-selling manga series. Their English adaptation of the series has appeared in the USA Today Booklist several times and volume 7 won the Quill Award in 2006.
TIT TOYS TT005 1/6th scale Uzumaki Ninja 12-inch figure will come with: Head sculpt x 2, Action Figure Body, 4 pairs of interchangeable hands in various poses. Clothing / costume includes: Red overcoat, Orange coat, Orange pants, Black mesh shirt, Fight package x 2. Accessories: Headband x 2, Necklace, Ninja shoes, Spiral pill, Scroll with leather sheath. Weapon: Darts x 2
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As of October 2015, the manga has sold over 220 million copies worldwide, making it the third best-selling manga series in history. The manga is also available in 35 countries outside Japan. It has also become one of North American publisher Viz Media's best-selling manga series. Their English adaptation of the series has appeared in the USA Today Booklist several times and volume 7 won the Quill Award in 2006.
TIT TOYS TT005 1/6th scale Uzumaki Ninja 12-inch figure will come with: Head sculpt x 2, Action Figure Body, 4 pairs of interchangeable hands in various poses. Clothing / costume includes: Red overcoat, Orange coat, Orange pants, Black mesh shirt, Fight package x 2. Accessories: Headband x 2, Necklace, Ninja shoes, Spiral pill, Scroll with leather sheath. Weapon: Darts x 2
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