Merle Dixon is a fictional character from the AMC television series The Walking Dead, portrayed by Michael Rooker. He is an original character and shares no comic counterpart. In Season 3, Merle has fashioned a knife attachment onto the stump where his hand used to be.
World Box presents: “Brothers, we will always be friends.” 1/6 scale Old Guy who is fighting to survive. Figure will come with 1/6 scale head sculpt, black shirt, white vest, belt and pants plus boots. Plus knife attached to stump. Scroll down to see more pictures.
World Box presents: “Brothers, we will always be friends.” 1/6 scale Old Guy who is fighting to survive. Figure will come with 1/6 scale head sculpt, black shirt, white vest, belt and pants plus boots. Plus knife attached to stump. Scroll down to see more pictures.