X-Men: Days of Future Past is a 2014 American superhero film based on the fictional X-Men characters that appear in Marvel Comics. Directed by Bryan Singer, it is the seventh installment of the X-Men film series and acts as a sequel to both 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand and 2011's X-Men: First Class. The story, inspired by the 1981 Uncanny X-Men storyline "Days of Future Past" by Chris Claremont and John Byrne, focuses on two time periods, with Wolverine traveling back in time to 1973 to save the future of mankind.
James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart both portray Charles Xavier / Professor X, the world's most powerful mutant telepath. Singer described the younger Xavier as "a very different beast from First Class's feckless playboy. He's a wounded animal, bearded, long-haired, filled with rage at the way the world has treated him."
Toys Era 1:6 scale The Telepath 12-inch figure features: Head sculpt with detailed wrinkles and skin texture, Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand painted; Muscular figure Body with over 30 points of articulation, approximately 32cm tall; Hand assortment, Silk embroidered long sleeve shirt, Slim fit Jacket, Dark blue paints, Leather like belt, Black shoes, Extra-large figure stand
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FigureMasters 1/6th scale Sir Patrick Stewart as Professor X 12-inch Collectible Action Figure (pictures HERE)
Review of Hot Toys MMS264 "X-Men: Days of Future Past" 1/6th scale Hugh Jackman as Wolverine 12-inch Figure posted HERE and HERE
Toys Era 1/6th The Magtant 12-inch figure aka Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr/ Magneto posted on my toy blog HERE
X is also for X-Men featuring the original X-Men action figures (pictures HERE)
HUGE X-Men Hardcover Book which I got a really good deal on - check out the post HERE
James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart both portray Charles Xavier / Professor X, the world's most powerful mutant telepath. Singer described the younger Xavier as "a very different beast from First Class's feckless playboy. He's a wounded animal, bearded, long-haired, filled with rage at the way the world has treated him."
Toys Era 1:6 scale The Telepath 12-inch figure features: Head sculpt with detailed wrinkles and skin texture, Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand painted; Muscular figure Body with over 30 points of articulation, approximately 32cm tall; Hand assortment, Silk embroidered long sleeve shirt, Slim fit Jacket, Dark blue paints, Leather like belt, Black shoes, Extra-large figure stand
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Related posts:
FigureMasters 1/6th scale Sir Patrick Stewart as Professor X 12-inch Collectible Action Figure (pictures HERE)
Review of Hot Toys MMS264 "X-Men: Days of Future Past" 1/6th scale Hugh Jackman as Wolverine 12-inch Figure posted HERE and HERE
Toys Era 1/6th The Magtant 12-inch figure aka Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr/ Magneto posted on my toy blog HERE
X is also for X-Men featuring the original X-Men action figures (pictures HERE)
HUGE X-Men Hardcover Book which I got a really good deal on - check out the post HERE