continued from previous toy blog post...
In the iconic time-travelling film Back to The Future Part II, Doc Brown takes Marty McFly to 2015 to stop Marty's future son from making a horrible mistake that will ruin Marty's future family, but after making their return, they have discover their own time has been transformed.
Following the official introduction of Hot Toys’ Back to The Future Part II 1/6th scale Marty McFly collectible figure, we are extremely thrilled to present the fans’ eagerly awaited 1/6th scale collectible figure of Doctor Emmett Brown!
The movie-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmett Brown in Back to The Future Part II. It features a newly developed head sculpt, sophisticatedly tailored “futuristic” costume, wide variety of detailed accessories, and a figure stand.
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In the iconic time-travelling film Back to The Future Part II, Doc Brown takes Marty McFly to 2015 to stop Marty's future son from making a horrible mistake that will ruin Marty's future family, but after making their return, they have discover their own time has been transformed.
Following the official introduction of Hot Toys’ Back to The Future Part II 1/6th scale Marty McFly collectible figure, we are extremely thrilled to present the fans’ eagerly awaited 1/6th scale collectible figure of Doctor Emmett Brown!
The movie-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmett Brown in Back to The Future Part II. It features a newly developed head sculpt, sophisticatedly tailored “futuristic” costume, wide variety of detailed accessories, and a figure stand.
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