Power Rangers in Space is an American television series and the sixth season of the Power Rangers franchise, based on the Super Sentai series Denji Sentai Megaranger. Power Rangers In Space was a turning point for the Power Rangers franchise, as the season brought closure to six seasons of plot, and it ended the practice of having regular cast members act in consecutive seasons. Though its initial tone was similar to that of Mighty Morphin and Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers in Space eventually took a darker, more emotional turn.
This is the Saban's Power Rangers in Space Deluxe Mega Voyager Zord by Bandai. It includes five Space Zords which morph into the Deluxe Mega Voyager Zord. It still looks rather new for its age. And it's time to let it go at SGD$200. Keen buyers may contact me at cowpehcowbu@gmail.com.
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Box dimensions: 15" H x 12" W x 3.5" D. Box isn't in great condition but everything's there.
Contents: Five Mega Vehicles - Mega V1 Robo Voyager, Mega V2 Shuttle Voyager, Mega V3 Rocket Voyager, Mega V4 Saucer Voyager and Mega V5 Tank Voyager plus Head, Instructions, Box and Insert
This is the Saban's Power Rangers in Space Deluxe Mega Voyager Zord by Bandai. It includes five Space Zords which morph into the Deluxe Mega Voyager Zord. It still looks rather new for its age. And it's time to let it go at SGD$200. Keen buyers may contact me at cowpehcowbu@gmail.com.
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Box dimensions: 15" H x 12" W x 3.5" D. Box isn't in great condition but everything's there.
Contents: Five Mega Vehicles - Mega V1 Robo Voyager, Mega V2 Shuttle Voyager, Mega V3 Rocket Voyager, Mega V4 Saucer Voyager and Mega V5 Tank Voyager plus Head, Instructions, Box and Insert