Daryl Dixon is a fictional character from the AMC television series The Walking Dead, portrayed by Norman Reedus. Daryl is a Southern hunter and expert tracker who constantly lives in the shadow of his brother, Merle. Like his brother, he is initially shown as volatile, short-tempered, and of questionable repute, but is tolerated by the group due to his survival skills.
From very early in the series, he is shown to be an extremely proficient zombie killer in both close quarters and ranged weaponry, and later becomes Rick's trusted right-hand man and protector. He also becomes "the go-to guy" of sorts for the group and is now well-liked and respected for his endeavors. Daryl is shown to be an expert marksman, but his signature weapon is a Horton Scout HD 125 crossbow, which Reedus says he takes home after filming.
This is DoublePlay (another new company?) Walking Dead 1/6 scale Zombie Warrior Crossbow Man 12-inch Figure and he certainly looks a lot like Norman Reedus' Daryl Dixon character. Comes with quite a bit of stuff too to show off his survival skills including dead squirrels ;p Scroll down to see more pictures.
The middle finger - quite a common accessory nowadays haha DAM Toys Gangsters Kingdom 1/6 Spade J 12" figure – animated Jason Statham – also came with one (see my review HERE)
World Box had previewed their 1/6 scale "The Old Guy" 12-inch Figure who is supposed to be Merle Dixon from The Walking Dead earlier in June (posted HERE in my toy blog) so now it seems both Dixon brothers are getting the 1/6 scale treatment to pander to 12-inch collectors.
From very early in the series, he is shown to be an extremely proficient zombie killer in both close quarters and ranged weaponry, and later becomes Rick's trusted right-hand man and protector. He also becomes "the go-to guy" of sorts for the group and is now well-liked and respected for his endeavors. Daryl is shown to be an expert marksman, but his signature weapon is a Horton Scout HD 125 crossbow, which Reedus says he takes home after filming.
This is DoublePlay (another new company?) Walking Dead 1/6 scale Zombie Warrior Crossbow Man 12-inch Figure and he certainly looks a lot like Norman Reedus' Daryl Dixon character. Comes with quite a bit of stuff too to show off his survival skills including dead squirrels ;p Scroll down to see more pictures.
The middle finger - quite a common accessory nowadays haha DAM Toys Gangsters Kingdom 1/6 Spade J 12" figure – animated Jason Statham – also came with one (see my review HERE)
World Box had previewed their 1/6 scale "The Old Guy" 12-inch Figure who is supposed to be Merle Dixon from The Walking Dead earlier in June (posted HERE in my toy blog) so now it seems both Dixon brothers are getting the 1/6 scale treatment to pander to 12-inch collectors.