Ghostbusters is a 1984 American supernatural comedy film directed and produced by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. The film stars Bill Murray, Aykroyd and Ramis as three eccentric parapsychologists who start a ghost-catching business in New York City. Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis co-star as a client and her neighbor, and Ernie Hudson as the Ghostbusters' first recruit.
Egon Spengler, PhD is a fictional character from the Ghostbusters franchise. He is a member of the Ghostbusters and one of the three doctors of parapsychology, along with Dr. Peter Venkman and Dr. Ray Stantz. Spengler was portrayed by Harold Ramis in the films Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II.
Soldier Story proudly presents the accurate crafted 1/6 scale collectible figure from one of the most classic action movie - “GHOSTBUSTERS” (1984). This brand new collectible figure featuring lifelike SPENGLER headsculpt, hand crafted uniform, utility belt kit and boots, “No Ghost” logo figure stand, highly detailed movie accurate metal parts proton pack and accessories, also the battery light- up effect proton pack and stream just like in the movie!!
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PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: lifelike SPENGLER headsculpt S2.5 Body Bare hands (1 pair) Bare foots (1 pair) Gloved hands (1 pair) Utility belt Belt Gizmo Belt keychain (style A) Belt keychain (style B) Radio holster Radio Leg hose & connector Metal parts proton Pack /w light effect Proton gun body /w light effect Proton gun barrel (A) /w RGB LED light effect (3 colors) Proton gun barrel (B) /w RGB LED light effect (3 colors) Proton stream /w light effect Voice note watch PKE Meter Metal LC1 ALICE pack Khaki flight suit /w name tag & “no ghost” patch Black T-Shirt Folded gloves (1 pair) Elbow pads (1 pair) Jump boots (1 pair) “No ghost” logo stand
The deluxe SPENGLER figure comes with all standard contents and “EXCLUSIVE” movie accurate tailor made 1/6th scale business suit just like the movie
NEXT: Soldier Story 1/6th scale “GHOSTBUSTERS” (1984) - Dr. PETER VENKMAN 12-inch figure
Egon Spengler, PhD is a fictional character from the Ghostbusters franchise. He is a member of the Ghostbusters and one of the three doctors of parapsychology, along with Dr. Peter Venkman and Dr. Ray Stantz. Spengler was portrayed by Harold Ramis in the films Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II.
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PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: lifelike SPENGLER headsculpt S2.5 Body Bare hands (1 pair) Bare foots (1 pair) Gloved hands (1 pair) Utility belt Belt Gizmo Belt keychain (style A) Belt keychain (style B) Radio holster Radio Leg hose & connector Metal parts proton Pack /w light effect Proton gun body /w light effect Proton gun barrel (A) /w RGB LED light effect (3 colors) Proton gun barrel (B) /w RGB LED light effect (3 colors) Proton stream /w light effect Voice note watch PKE Meter Metal LC1 ALICE pack Khaki flight suit /w name tag & “no ghost” patch Black T-Shirt Folded gloves (1 pair) Elbow pads (1 pair) Jump boots (1 pair) “No ghost” logo stand
NEXT: Soldier Story 1/6th scale “GHOSTBUSTERS” (1984) - Dr. PETER VENKMAN 12-inch figure