Prime 1 Studio is proud to present Ultraman from the manga series Ultraman written by Eiichi Shimizu and drawn by Tomohiro Shimoguchi. Forty years have passed since the events of Ultraman, with the legendary “Giant of Light” now a memory, as it is believed he returned home after fighting the many giant aliens that invaded the Earth.
The original Ultraman son, Shinjiro Hayata seems to possess a strange ability, and it is this ability, along with his father’s, Shin Hayata, that leads Shinjiro to battle the new aliens invading the Earth as the new Ultraman. He is crafted with attention to details and true to the original design of the character. The base on which it stands features a defeated Alien Adacic. The statue of Ultraman is complete with LED light-up eyes and mechanical Color timer. The statue stands approximately 27 inches tall and this is the ultimate Ultraman must have piece for all Ultraman fans.
The Ultraman Statue features: Stands approximately 27 inches tall - High-Quality translucent resin for a lifelike skin effect - One (1) Interchangeable pair of Spacium Blades On - One (1) Interchangeable pair of Spacium Blades Off. Sideshow Exclusive: Switchable Unmasked Portrait
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Prime 1 Studio is proud to present Ultraman from the manga series Ultraman written by Eiichi Shimizu and drawn by Tomohiro Shimoguchi. Forty years have passed since the events of Ultraman, with the legendary “Giant of Light” now a memory, as it is believed he returned home after fighting the many giant aliens that invaded the Earth.
The original Ultraman son, Shinjiro Hayata seems to possess a strange ability, and it is this ability, along with his father’s, Shin Hayata, that leads Shinjiro to battle the new aliens invading the Earth as the new Ultraman. He is crafted with attention to details and true to the original design of the character. The base on which it stands features a defeated Alien Adacic. The statue of Ultraman is complete with LED light-up eyes and mechanical Color timer. The statue stands approximately 27 inches tall and this is the ultimate Ultraman must have piece for all Ultraman fans.
The Ultraman Statue features: Stands approximately 27 inches tall - High-Quality translucent resin for a lifelike skin effect - One (1) Interchangeable pair of Spacium Blades On - One (1) Interchangeable pair of Spacium Blades Off. Sideshow Exclusive: Switchable Unmasked Portrait
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Sideshow Exclusive: Switchable Unmasked Portrait