The 2016 superhero movie "Captain America: Civil War" opens approximately one year after the Ultron Offensive, with public opinion of the Avengers becoming increasingly divided due to the events in New York, Washington, D.C. and Sokovia. The team – which now consists of Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson and Wanda Maximoff – learn that former HYDRA sleeper agent Brock Rumlow, who now calls himself "Crossbones" plans to steal a biological chemical weapon from the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Lagos, Nigeria. They go undercover to try and stop Crossbones.
AC Play 1/6th scale Undercover Female 12-inch female action figure is inspired by Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow as seen in the opening scene in "Captain America: Civil War". It features: - Head Sculpt - Female Body - Pea Coat - Tank Top - Jeans - Boots - Hands x7 - Arm Band x2 - Cell Phone - Figure Stand
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AC Play 1/6th scale Undercover Female 12-inch female action figure is inspired by Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow as seen in the opening scene in "Captain America: Civil War". It features: - Head Sculpt - Female Body - Pea Coat - Tank Top - Jeans - Boots - Hands x7 - Arm Band x2 - Cell Phone - Figure Stand
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