Spectre is the 24th installment in the James Bond film series and the twenty-sixth overall. It is Daniel Craig's fourth performance as James Bond, and Christoph Waltz's first as Ernst Stavro Blofeld, with the film marking the character's re-introduction into the series. The story sees Bond pitted against the global criminal organisation SPECTRE and against their leader; Ernst Stavro Blofeld, who is revealed to be Bond's adoptive brother as he attempts to thwart his plan to launch a global surveillance network, and discovers Spectre and Blofeld were behind the events of the previous three films.
Blackbox Toys 1/6th scale James Bond Spectre 12-inch action figure features: Head Sculpture “James” - Body with Relaxed Hands - Gun Holding Hands x 1 Pair - Cigarette Holding Hand x 1. Costume: TF Windsor Tuxedo Jacket (White) - TF Windsor Tuxedo Trousers (Blk) - AT Tuxedo Shirt (White) - AT Braces (White) - Bow Tie (Blk) - Boutonniere & Lapel Flower Pin (Red). Weapons: PPK Pistol - Silencer. Accessories: Cigarette - Sea-Master Watch - TF Snowdon FT237 Sunglasses - Camberley Double Monk Boots. ITEMS NOT INCLUDED: LRC-2 Conversion Kit with Strike One Pistol, Aiming Laser Sight, MBUS II Folding Front & Back Sight, FGGK Folding Foregrip, Silencer (Long), PPK Pistol with Bio-Grip
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Estimate Release Q2 2017
Blackbox Toys 1/6th scale James Bond Spectre 12-inch action figure features: Head Sculpture “James” - Body with Relaxed Hands - Gun Holding Hands x 1 Pair - Cigarette Holding Hand x 1. Costume: TF Windsor Tuxedo Jacket (White) - TF Windsor Tuxedo Trousers (Blk) - AT Tuxedo Shirt (White) - AT Braces (White) - Bow Tie (Blk) - Boutonniere & Lapel Flower Pin (Red). Weapons: PPK Pistol - Silencer. Accessories: Cigarette - Sea-Master Watch - TF Snowdon FT237 Sunglasses - Camberley Double Monk Boots. ITEMS NOT INCLUDED: LRC-2 Conversion Kit with Strike One Pistol, Aiming Laser Sight, MBUS II Folding Front & Back Sight, FGGK Folding Foregrip, Silencer (Long), PPK Pistol with Bio-Grip
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Estimate Release Q2 2017