Arrow is an American action crime television series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg. It is based on the DC Comics character Green Arrow, a costumed crime-fighter created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp. The series follows billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), who, five years after being stranded on a hostile island, returns home to fight crime and corruption as a secret vigilante whose weapon of choice is a bow and arrow.
Stephen Amell portrays Oliver Queen / The Arrow / Green Arrow, a billionaire playboy turned hooded vigilante-hero who is initially known as the “Hood”, “Vigilante”, and simply “Arrow”. For Amell, the appeal of portraying Queen was that he saw multiple roles tied to the same character: "There's Queen the casual playboy; Queen the wounded hero; Queen the brooding Hamlet; Queen the lover; Queen the man of action, and so on".
Kotobukiya's ARTFX+ lineup based on popular characters from comic books and movies based on DC Comics continues to expand, this time to bring you incarnations based on the character's television appearances. Next up is the hooded vigilante, Green Arrow! This sculpted 1/10 scale statue features accurate costume details and character likenesses, as if the character jumped straight off the TV screen. Includes an alternate set of arm parts to allow for display in two different poses, holding his bow at his side or placing an arrow on the string in preparation to fight those who have failed his city. Magnets in the feet provide extra stability on the included base.
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Related posts:
Action Figure Review of THREEQ 1/6th scale CITIES RANGER 12-inch action figure aka Stephen Amell as Green Arrow posted on my toy blog HERE and HERE
Mattel Retro-Action Green Arrow 8-inch Action Figure REVIEW posted HERE
O is for Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow posted HERE
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Stephen Amell portrays Oliver Queen / The Arrow / Green Arrow, a billionaire playboy turned hooded vigilante-hero who is initially known as the “Hood”, “Vigilante”, and simply “Arrow”. For Amell, the appeal of portraying Queen was that he saw multiple roles tied to the same character: "There's Queen the casual playboy; Queen the wounded hero; Queen the brooding Hamlet; Queen the lover; Queen the man of action, and so on".
Kotobukiya's ARTFX+ lineup based on popular characters from comic books and movies based on DC Comics continues to expand, this time to bring you incarnations based on the character's television appearances. Next up is the hooded vigilante, Green Arrow! This sculpted 1/10 scale statue features accurate costume details and character likenesses, as if the character jumped straight off the TV screen. Includes an alternate set of arm parts to allow for display in two different poses, holding his bow at his side or placing an arrow on the string in preparation to fight those who have failed his city. Magnets in the feet provide extra stability on the included base.
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Related posts:
Action Figure Review of THREEQ 1/6th scale CITIES RANGER 12-inch action figure aka Stephen Amell as Green Arrow posted on my toy blog HERE and HERE
Mattel Retro-Action Green Arrow 8-inch Action Figure REVIEW posted HERE
O is for Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow posted HERE
Hot Toys MMS289 "Avengers: Age of Ultron" 1/6th scale Hawkeye Collectible Figure Review posted HERE and HERE