Based on the comic book series written by Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead TV series is a gritty drama that portrays life in the weeks and months following a zombie apocalypse. Led by police officer Rick Grimes, his family and a group of other survivors find themselves constantly on the move in search of a safe and secure home. But the pressure each day to stay alive sends many in the group to the deepest depths of human cruelty, and Rick discovers that the overwhelming fear of the survivors can be more deadly than the zombies walking among them.
Sideshow Collectibles and Threezero are pleased to announce the sixth scale Daryl Dixon collectible figure from AMC's The Walking Dead. Standing 12" tall, this 1/6th scale figure features a realistic likeness to the character portrayed in the series, faux leather jacket and tailored clothing, two versions of 'Lucille', weapons and marker pen.
Standing 12 inches tall, this 1/6th scale figure features a realistic likeness to the character portrayed in the series, a faux leather vest and weathered clothing, a pistol with detachable magazine, and crossbow.
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Threezero The Walking Dead Collectibles 1/6th scale Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon 12-inch figure features: 12-inch (30.5cm) tall articulated figure featuring tailored clothing | Head sculpt with realistic likeness to the character portrayed in the series | Soft PVC dermis on the arms | Weathered clothing | Faux-leather vest | Sleeveless shirt | Poncho | Crossbow | Pistol with detachable magazine | Knife | Six (6) interchangeable hands: pair of relaxed hands, pair of gripping hands for holding knife, pair of gripping hands for holding pistol & crossbow
Based on the comic book series written by Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead TV series is a gritty drama that portrays life in the weeks and months following a zombie apocalypse. Led by police officer Rick Grimes, his family and a group of other survivors find themselves constantly on the move in search of a safe and secure home. But the pressure each day to stay alive sends many in the group to the deepest depths of human cruelty, and Rick discovers that the overwhelming fear of the survivors can be more deadly than the zombies walking among them.
Sideshow Collectibles and Threezero are pleased to announce the sixth scale Daryl Dixon collectible figure from AMC's The Walking Dead. Standing 12" tall, this 1/6th scale figure features a realistic likeness to the character portrayed in the series, faux leather jacket and tailored clothing, two versions of 'Lucille', weapons and marker pen.
Standing 12 inches tall, this 1/6th scale figure features a realistic likeness to the character portrayed in the series, a faux leather vest and weathered clothing, a pistol with detachable magazine, and crossbow.
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Threezero The Walking Dead Collectibles 1/6th scale Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon 12-inch figure features: 12-inch (30.5cm) tall articulated figure featuring tailored clothing | Head sculpt with realistic likeness to the character portrayed in the series | Soft PVC dermis on the arms | Weathered clothing | Faux-leather vest | Sleeveless shirt | Poncho | Crossbow | Pistol with detachable magazine | Knife | Six (6) interchangeable hands: pair of relaxed hands, pair of gripping hands for holding knife, pair of gripping hands for holding pistol & crossbow