"Léon" is a 1994 thriller film written and directed by French director Luc Besson. It stars Jean Reno as a mob hitman, Gary Oldman as corrupt DEA agent Norman "Stan" Stansfield, and a young Natalie Portman, in her feature film debut, as 12-year-old girl Mathilda Lando who is taken in by the hitman (or "cleaner," as he refers to himself) after her family is murdered by corrupt police agents.
AR TOYS 1:6 scale "LEON' 12-inch figure will come with Head sculpt, Articulated body, Hands for poses x10, Weapon box (Genuine leather material, can be opened), Flower pot, Sunglasses, Milk glass, Dagger, Grenade x6, Pliers, Revolver (detachable), Pistol x4 (detachable), Figure base, Grey beanie, Black trench coat, White undergarment, Gun holster (Genuine leather material), Trousers, Socks, Shoes
Looking at the pictures released, this AR TOYS 1:6 scale "LEON' 12-inch figure looks almost identical to the "Léon The Professional" figure released by Enterbay some years back, from the head sculpt to the accessories and everything in between. Check out the Enterbay version posted on my toy blog HERE. There was also a Headplay head sculpt of Jean Reno as Leon released in 2012 - see the pics in a post titles "No Women, No Kids" posted HERE.
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Estimate release: Q2, 2018
AR TOYS 1:6 scale "LEON' 12-inch figure will come with Head sculpt, Articulated body, Hands for poses x10, Weapon box (Genuine leather material, can be opened), Flower pot, Sunglasses, Milk glass, Dagger, Grenade x6, Pliers, Revolver (detachable), Pistol x4 (detachable), Figure base, Grey beanie, Black trench coat, White undergarment, Gun holster (Genuine leather material), Trousers, Socks, Shoes
Looking at the pictures released, this AR TOYS 1:6 scale "LEON' 12-inch figure looks almost identical to the "Léon The Professional" figure released by Enterbay some years back, from the head sculpt to the accessories and everything in between. Check out the Enterbay version posted on my toy blog HERE. There was also a Headplay head sculpt of Jean Reno as Leon released in 2012 - see the pics in a post titles "No Women, No Kids" posted HERE.
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Estimate release: Q2, 2018