The Foreigner is a 2017 action thriller film directed by Martin Campbell and written by David Marconi, based on the 1992 novel The Chinaman by Stephen Leather. The British-Chinese co-production stars Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Michael McElhatton, Liu Tao, Charlie Murphy, Orla Brady and Katie Leung, and follows a businessman who seeks revenge for the death of his daughter. Jackie Chan as Ngoc Minh Quan, a former Vietnam War special forces operator turned London restaurateur, who looks for revenge after his daughter is killed in a bombing
CRAFTONE NO.013 1/6th scale 退役軍人 Veteran 12-inch action figure Parts List: Real-like Head sculpt, Muscular Body, Interchangeable Hands x 6. Costume Set: Army Green Raincoat, Featured Work Vest, Light blue Shirt, Dark blue working pants (with black belt), Safety Leather Shoes. Accessories: G17 Pistol, Dagger, 5.56 Assault Rifle Modified, Timer bomb x 2, Portable fire extinguishers with 7 kits, Recorder, Tool handbag
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Related posts:
Dragon Models Limited (DML) 1/6th scale Jackie Chan 12-inch action figure review posted on my toy blog HERE
MiVi Pro+ 1/6th scale Qin Empire General Meng Yi (Jackie Chan as seen in The Myth) 12-inch collectible figure previewed HERE
Gong Xi Fa Cai & Year Year Got Fish!!! - group pics of 12-inch figures with Asian head sculpts posted HERE
CRAFTONE NO.013 1/6th scale 退役軍人 Veteran 12-inch action figure Parts List: Real-like Head sculpt, Muscular Body, Interchangeable Hands x 6. Costume Set: Army Green Raincoat, Featured Work Vest, Light blue Shirt, Dark blue working pants (with black belt), Safety Leather Shoes. Accessories: G17 Pistol, Dagger, 5.56 Assault Rifle Modified, Timer bomb x 2, Portable fire extinguishers with 7 kits, Recorder, Tool handbag
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Related posts:
Dragon Models Limited (DML) 1/6th scale Jackie Chan 12-inch action figure review posted on my toy blog HERE
MiVi Pro+ 1/6th scale Qin Empire General Meng Yi (Jackie Chan as seen in The Myth) 12-inch collectible figure previewed HERE
Gong Xi Fa Cai & Year Year Got Fish!!! - group pics of 12-inch figures with Asian head sculpts posted HERE