continued from previous toy blog post...
Mr. & Mrs. Smith is a 2005 American action comedy film directed by Doug Liman and written by Simon Kinberg. The film stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as a bored upper-middle class married couple surprised to learn that they are assassins belonging to competing agencies, and that they have been assigned to kill each other.
POPTOYS EX018 1/6th scale Agent Couple Series Mrs Smith Stealth Mode Version Parts List: Female head, head with rooted hair, Body, Black leather skirt, Panty-hose, High boots, Handcuffs, Whip, Arm sleeve, Wool Jacket, Scarf
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith is a 2005 American action comedy film directed by Doug Liman and written by Simon Kinberg. The film stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as a bored upper-middle class married couple surprised to learn that they are assassins belonging to competing agencies, and that they have been assigned to kill each other.
POPTOYS EX018 1/6th scale Agent Couple Series Mrs Smith Stealth Mode Version Parts List: Female head, head with rooted hair, Body, Black leather skirt, Panty-hose, High boots, Handcuffs, Whip, Arm sleeve, Wool Jacket, Scarf
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