Gangs of New York is a 2002 American epic period drama film directed by Martin Scorsese. The film is set in 1863 and follows fictional gang leader William "Bill the Butcher" Cutting (Daniel Day-Lewis) in his roles as crime boss and political kingmaker under the helm of "Boss" Tweed (Jim Broadbent). The film culminates in a violent confrontation between Cutting and his mob with the protagonist Amsterdam Vallon (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his allies, which prefaces the real-life New York Draft Riots of 1863.
Redman Toys 1/6th scale The Butcher (Version 2) 12-inch action figure Features: Head Sculpt, Body with hands X 6, Tall paper Hat, Cigar, Brown Coat, Beige Shirt, Vest, Brown Pants, shoes, Red white blue sash, Tray and Pig Head, Knife set X 7 pcs, Leather Belt with Knife Pouch, Stand
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Redman Toys 1/6th scale The Butcher (Version 2) 12-inch action figure Features: Head Sculpt, Body with hands X 6, Tall paper Hat, Cigar, Brown Coat, Beige Shirt, Vest, Brown Pants, shoes, Red white blue sash, Tray and Pig Head, Knife set X 7 pcs, Leather Belt with Knife Pouch, Stand
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