Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers Evil Ryu. Ryu with the Surge of Killing Intent Awakened, also named as Satsui Ryu, Killing Intent Ryu. Evil Ryu is an alternate form of Ryu of heartless, mad, uncontrollable and nothing more but a demon, Evil Ryu enjoys absolute power and obsesses with fighting and will defeat any fighters standing in front of him with no empathy or respect.
Storm Collectibles Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers Evil Ryu Action Figure Features: 4 x Interchanging Evil Ryu Head-Sculpts, 4 x Pairs of Hand, 1 x Hadoken Effect, 1 x Stand for Hadoken
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Storm Collectibles Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers Evil Ryu Action Figure Features: 4 x Interchanging Evil Ryu Head-Sculpts, 4 x Pairs of Hand, 1 x Hadoken Effect, 1 x Stand for Hadoken
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