He-Man is the principal character of a series of comic books and several animated television series, characterized by his superhuman strength. In most variations, he is the alter ego of Prince Adam. He-Man and his friends attempt to defend the realm of Eternia and the secrets of Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor.
By the Power of Grayskull, you too can have the Power! Mondo is proud to bring you the first in our Masters of the Universe 1/6 scale figure line- He-Man! Featuring over 30 points of articulation, fabric costume elements, and a lot of accessories, this is the most powerful figure you will ever find, from here to Eternia!
Mondo 1/6th scale Masters of the Universe: He-Man 12-inch action figure includes: Regular Portrait, Vintage Portrait, Power Sword, Battle Axe, Sheath, Shield, Short Sword, Hand Blaster, Rifle Blaster, Burbie Mini Figure with Stand, 6 Different Interchangeable Hands, Figure Stand
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He-Man is the principal character of a series of comic books and several animated television series, characterized by his superhuman strength. In most variations, he is the alter ego of Prince Adam. He-Man and his friends attempt to defend the realm of Eternia and the secrets of Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor.
By the Power of Grayskull, you too can have the Power! Mondo is proud to bring you the first in our Masters of the Universe 1/6 scale figure line- He-Man! Featuring over 30 points of articulation, fabric costume elements, and a lot of accessories, this is the most powerful figure you will ever find, from here to Eternia!
Mondo 1/6th scale Masters of the Universe: He-Man 12-inch action figure includes: Regular Portrait, Vintage Portrait, Power Sword, Battle Axe, Sheath, Shield, Short Sword, Hand Blaster, Rifle Blaster, Burbie Mini Figure with Stand, 6 Different Interchangeable Hands, Figure Stand
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