Vega, also known as Balrog, is a fictional character from the Street Fighter fighting game series by Capcom. Vega is a mask-wearing, claw-wielding fighter from Spain who uses a personal fighting style combining Japanese ninjutsu and Spanish bullfighting, earning him the nickname of "Spanish Ninja".
Vega is one of the few Street Fighter characters to constantly carry a weapon, a tekkō kagi. This claw is useful for slashing attacks, yet curved in the end to prevent him from lethally stabbing his opponents. Obsessively narcissistic and vain, Vega considers himself the epitome of beauty and perfection. As such, he wears his expressionless mask not to conceal his identity, but to protect his face from scarring or bruising during battle.
ACPLAY ATX045 1/6th scale Street Bruiser Matador Ninja Head Sculpt + Costume set Part List: Head, Mask, Bangle x2, Armlet, Sharp claw, Belt, Cropped pants, Socks, Leather shoes. Note: The body in the pictures is not included in this product. TBLeague M33 super-flexible seamless male body is recommended.
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Vega is one of the few Street Fighter characters to constantly carry a weapon, a tekkō kagi. This claw is useful for slashing attacks, yet curved in the end to prevent him from lethally stabbing his opponents. Obsessively narcissistic and vain, Vega considers himself the epitome of beauty and perfection. As such, he wears his expressionless mask not to conceal his identity, but to protect his face from scarring or bruising during battle.
ACPLAY ATX045 1/6th scale Street Bruiser Matador Ninja Head Sculpt + Costume set Part List: Head, Mask, Bangle x2, Armlet, Sharp claw, Belt, Cropped pants, Socks, Leather shoes. Note: The body in the pictures is not included in this product. TBLeague M33 super-flexible seamless male body is recommended.
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