Breaking Bad is an American crime drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. The show originally aired on the AMC network for five seasons, from January 20, 2008 to September 29, 2013. The main character is Walter White (Bryan Cranston), a struggling high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer at the beginning of the series. He turns to a life of crime, producing and selling methamphetamine, in order to secure his family's financial future before he dies, teaming with his former student, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul).
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You can pre-order this Wolfking WK201401 1/6 scale Chemical Poisoning Teacher from TFH (The Falcon's Hangar) HERE (link)
Wolfking WK201401 1/6 scale Chemical poisoning teacher 12-inch action figure will come: 1/6 scale Head Sculpt (Bryan Cranston as Walter White), 12-inch Action figure body, with a lot of 1/6 scale accessories as follows: Glasses, Gas mask, Handgun, Mixing dish, Glass rod, A packet of fine chemicals, Palms / Hands x 4 pieces, A pair of Chemical gloves, A pair of leather shoes, T-shirt, Chemical protective clothing, A pair of socks, Chemical apron
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You can pre-order this Wolfking WK201401 1/6 scale Chemical Poisoning Teacher from TFH (The Falcon's Hangar) HERE (link)