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“Ain’t no thing like me except me.”
This Summer Marvel Studios is expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe and taking fans to the cosmos in the action packed space adventure – Guardians of the Galaxy with a group of outlaw, two thugs, an assassin and a maniac! One of the breakout character since the movie’s first introduction is Rocket who is wanted on over 50 charges of vehicular theft and escape from lock up. In anticipation to the movie’s release, Hot Toys is delighted to present the 1/6th scale Rocket Collectible Figure!
The movie-accurate Rocket Collectible Figure is specially crafted based on his unique physique in the film. It features a finely sculpted head and body, specially tailored costume and weapon.
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Release date: Q1 – Q2, 2015
Check out Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy 1/6th scale Rocket and Groot Collectible Set HERE
“Ain’t no thing like me except me.”
This Summer Marvel Studios is expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe and taking fans to the cosmos in the action packed space adventure – Guardians of the Galaxy with a group of outlaw, two thugs, an assassin and a maniac! One of the breakout character since the movie’s first introduction is Rocket who is wanted on over 50 charges of vehicular theft and escape from lock up. In anticipation to the movie’s release, Hot Toys is delighted to present the 1/6th scale Rocket Collectible Figure!
The movie-accurate Rocket Collectible Figure is specially crafted based on his unique physique in the film. It features a finely sculpted head and body, specially tailored costume and weapon.
Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece Series MMS252 Guardians of the Galaxy 1/6th scale Rocket Collectible Figure specially features: Authentic and detailed likeness of Rocket in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy with Movie-accurate facial expression with detailed fur texture. Approximately 16 cm tall Body with over 17 points of articulations. Three (3) pairs of interchangeable palms including: One (1) pair of relaxed palms, One (1) pair of fists, One (1) pair of palms for holding rifle.
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Costume: One (1) orange and dark grey space suit
Weapon: One (1) rifle
Accessory: Figure stand with Rocket nameplate and the movie logo
Release date: Q1 – Q2, 2015
Check out Hot Toys Guardians of the Galaxy 1/6th scale Rocket and Groot Collectible Set HERE