The Wolverine is a 2013 superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Wolverine. The film, distributed by 20th Century Fox, is the sixth installment in the X-Men film series. Hugh Jackman reprises his role from previous films as the title character, with James Mangold directing a screenplay written by Scott Frank and Mark Bomback, based on the 1982 limited series Wolverine by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. In the film which follows the events of X-Men: The Last Stand, Logan travels to Japan, where he engages an old acquaintance in a struggle that has lasting consequences. Stripped of his immortality, Wolverine must battle deadly samurai while struggling with guilt.
Svetlana Khodchenkova stars as Dr. Green / Viper (formerly known as Madame Hydra), a mutant, who has an immunity to toxins. About her character, Khodchenkova said "Viper doesn't really have many people that she cares about, most of them she just uses for her own purpose." Mangold said, "as her name would imply, she's kind of snake-like," and that Viper views Logan "like a great hunter might view hunting a lion in his quarry."
Svetlana Khodchenkova stars as Dr. Green / Viper (formerly known as Madame Hydra), a mutant, who has an immunity to toxins. About her character, Khodchenkova said "Viper doesn't really have many people that she cares about, most of them she just uses for her own purpose." Mangold said, "as her name would imply, she's kind of snake-like," and that Viper views Logan "like a great hunter might view hunting a lion in his quarry."
Very Cool 1/6 scale Viper Leather Wind Coat Suit Set (Product Code: VCF-2023) will include: 1/6 scale Female Rooted Hair Head Sculpt, Leather Wind Coat, Leather Pants, Vest, Pair of Boots (no foot inside), Gloved Hand x 3. Note: 12-inch Figure Body is not included. Pattern of the suit set is referenced to VERY COOL’s female large bust body.
Scroll down to see the rest of the pictures as well as the other Very Cool Viper One-piece Leather Suit Set. Click on the pictures for a bigger and better view.
Very Cool 1/6 scale Viper One-piece Leather Suit Set (Product Code: VCF-2022) will come with 1/6 scale Female Rooted Hair Head Sculpt, One-piece Stylish Leather Suit, Pair of Sleeve Cover, Pair of High-heeled Shoes. Note: 12-inch Figure Body is not included. Leather suit is made of elastic fabric, aging resistance, and suitable for all kinds of 12-inch female body.