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The Iron Giant is a 1999 American animated science fiction comedy film using both traditional animation and computer animation, produced by Warner Bros. Animation, and based on the 1968 novel The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The film is about a lonely boy named Hogarth Hughes raised by his mother (the widow of an Air Force pilot), who discovers an iron giant who fell from space. With the help of a beatnik artist named Dean McCoppin, they have to stop the U.S. military and a federal agent named Kent Mansley from finding and destroying the Giant. The Iron Giant takes place in October 1957 in the American state of Maine during the height of the Cold War.
According to Mondo, The Iron Giant Deluxe Figure is the most highly detailed Iron Giant collectible to date! Created using the actual digital files used in the film, the figure features over 30 points of articulation, two interchangeable heads with light-up feature, magnetic "S" that can be detached from its sign and attached to his chest, a switch-out "War Arm," Hogarth mini-figure, and a girder to munch on! In addition, the figure also includes a sound feature, with Iron Giant quotes from the film!
The Iron Giant Deluxe Figure features: Over 30 points of articulation with Two (2) interchangeable heads with light-up feature, Magnetic "S" detachable from its sign and can be attached to his chest, War Arm, Hogarth mini-figure, Girder and Sound feature with quotes from The Iron Giant.
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Pre-order from Sideshow Collectibles
The Iron Giant is a 1999 American animated science fiction comedy film using both traditional animation and computer animation, produced by Warner Bros. Animation, and based on the 1968 novel The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The film is about a lonely boy named Hogarth Hughes raised by his mother (the widow of an Air Force pilot), who discovers an iron giant who fell from space. With the help of a beatnik artist named Dean McCoppin, they have to stop the U.S. military and a federal agent named Kent Mansley from finding and destroying the Giant. The Iron Giant takes place in October 1957 in the American state of Maine during the height of the Cold War.
According to Mondo, The Iron Giant Deluxe Figure is the most highly detailed Iron Giant collectible to date! Created using the actual digital files used in the film, the figure features over 30 points of articulation, two interchangeable heads with light-up feature, magnetic "S" that can be detached from its sign and attached to his chest, a switch-out "War Arm," Hogarth mini-figure, and a girder to munch on! In addition, the figure also includes a sound feature, with Iron Giant quotes from the film!
The Iron Giant Deluxe Figure features: Over 30 points of articulation with Two (2) interchangeable heads with light-up feature, Magnetic "S" detachable from its sign and can be attached to his chest, War Arm, Hogarth mini-figure, Girder and Sound feature with quotes from The Iron Giant.
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