continued from previous post...
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (often shortened to TMNT or Ninja Turtles) are a fictional team of four teenage anthropomorphic turtles, named after four Renaissance artists, who were trained by their anthropomorphic rat sensei in the art of ninjutsu. From their home in the storm sewers of New York City, they battle petty criminals, evil overlords, mutated creatures, and alien invaders while attempting to remain hidden from society. They were created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
Donatello (Don or Donnie) – The scientist, inventor, engineer, and technological genius, Donatello wears a purple mask and wields a bo staff. Donatello is perhaps the least violent turtle, preferring to use his knowledge to solve conflicts, but never hesitates to defend his brothers. He is named after the early Renaissance Italian artist and sculptor from Florence, Donatello.
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Box contents for Kaiyodo Revoltech Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Donatello 5-inch figure include: diorama base of a manhole with fire hydrant plus a connector for in-the-air poses, TMNT Donatello's weapon of choice which is a bo staff. In this instance, two staffs are included - one is the standard bo staff and the other has an additional retractable blade attached to one end. There's also an alternate head sculpt of a drooling Donatello with a heart as well. I think he's lovestruck by April O'Neil in this latest animated series by Nickelodeon.
NEXT: All FOUR Kaiyodo Revoltech Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles together at last!
Related posts:
December 7, 2013 – Check out the Playmates 6-inch tall Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classic Collection Figures, released 2012 and posted HERE
March 30, 2013 – Cowabunga! Preview Playmates Toys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their Secret Sewer Lair (pictures HERE)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (often shortened to TMNT or Ninja Turtles) are a fictional team of four teenage anthropomorphic turtles, named after four Renaissance artists, who were trained by their anthropomorphic rat sensei in the art of ninjutsu. From their home in the storm sewers of New York City, they battle petty criminals, evil overlords, mutated creatures, and alien invaders while attempting to remain hidden from society. They were created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
Donatello (Don or Donnie) – The scientist, inventor, engineer, and technological genius, Donatello wears a purple mask and wields a bo staff. Donatello is perhaps the least violent turtle, preferring to use his knowledge to solve conflicts, but never hesitates to defend his brothers. He is named after the early Renaissance Italian artist and sculptor from Florence, Donatello.
This Donatello 5-inch action figure is the last of the four Kaiyodo Revoltech Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I'm covering on my toy blog, having already reviewed the other three turtles earlier – Raphael HERE, Michelangelo HERE and Leonardo HERE. These Kaiyodo Revoltech Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been really fun to pose and display as they are much more articulated than your average ninja turtle figure. Everything is quite well thought out so that you get the maximum pleasure from these minimal creatures. It's been a blast but there's going to be more in the NEXT post when I put all four turtles together for some group shots / pictures. But first, back to Donatello.
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Packaging is the same for all four turtles, consisting of window boxed with a view of all the contents. Contents vary according to the turtle featured.
Box contents for Kaiyodo Revoltech Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Donatello 5-inch figure include: diorama base of a manhole with fire hydrant plus a connector for in-the-air poses, TMNT Donatello's weapon of choice which is a bo staff. In this instance, two staffs are included - one is the standard bo staff and the other has an additional retractable blade attached to one end. There's also an alternate head sculpt of a drooling Donatello with a heart as well. I think he's lovestruck by April O'Neil in this latest animated series by Nickelodeon.
Here's Kaiyodo Revoltech Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Donatello 5-inch tall (13cm) action figure wielding his bo staff. Articulation of these figures are GREAT with ball-jointed head and neck, ball-hinge wrists and even ball-jointed fingers, plus ball-hinge joints for the hips and knees as well. Donatello is the skinniest turtle of all the four and his neck joint is also different from the rest. His neck actually sticks out whereas the rest do not.
Check out the turnaround views of Donnie. You can see his skinny frame especially in the side profile pictures
Here's the alternate drooling Donatello head and heart on the Kaiyodo Revoltech Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Donatello 5-inch action figure. It really adds another dimension to the posing of these figures.
Okay! Back to the serious business of bashing bad guys.
NEXT: All FOUR Kaiyodo Revoltech Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles together at last!
Related posts:
December 7, 2013 – Check out the Playmates 6-inch tall Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classic Collection Figures, released 2012 and posted HERE
March 30, 2013 – Cowabunga! Preview Playmates Toys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their Secret Sewer Lair (pictures HERE)