Hacksaw Ridge is a 2016 biographical war drama film directed by Mel Gibson and written by Andrew Knight and Robert Schenkkan, based on the 2004 documentary The Conscientious Objector. The film focuses on the World War II experiences of Desmond Doss, an American pacifist combat medic who, as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, refused to carry or use a weapon or firearm of any kind. Doss became the first conscientious objector to be awarded the Medal of Honor, for service above and beyond the call of duty during the Battle of Okinawa. Andrew Garfield stars as Doss, with Sam Worthington as Captain Jack Glover.
DID 1/6th scale WWII US Army 77th Infantry Division "Captain Sam" 12-inch figure Features: One super realistic head sculpt, Body, Open palms, Palms for holding gun. Outfit: 77th painted M1 helmet, Green T shirt, Green uniform, Green pants, Y strap, Belt, M43 boots. Accessories: BC611 radio, Watch, Map, First Aid kit pouch, Canteen with cover, M2 First Aid kit pouch, M1 mag pouch, M1911 mag pouch, M1911 holster. Weapons: M1 carbine with three clips, M1911 pistol with three clips, Bayonet with sheath and woven hanger. Loot: Type 14 Nambu, Type 3 shin gunto with scabbard, Good Luck Flag.
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DID 1/6th scale WWII 77th Infantry Division Medic "Dixon" 12-inch figure - aka Andrew Garfield stars as Doss (pics HERE)
DID 1/6th scale WWII US Army 77th Infantry Division "Captain Sam" 12-inch figure Features: One super realistic head sculpt, Body, Open palms, Palms for holding gun. Outfit: 77th painted M1 helmet, Green T shirt, Green uniform, Green pants, Y strap, Belt, M43 boots. Accessories: BC611 radio, Watch, Map, First Aid kit pouch, Canteen with cover, M2 First Aid kit pouch, M1 mag pouch, M1911 mag pouch, M1911 holster. Weapons: M1 carbine with three clips, M1911 pistol with three clips, Bayonet with sheath and woven hanger. Loot: Type 14 Nambu, Type 3 shin gunto with scabbard, Good Luck Flag.
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Related posts:
DID & 3R 1/6th scale Japanese 32nd Army (24th Division) Private Takuya Hayashi 12-inch figure previewed on my toy blog HERE
DID 1/6th scale WWII 77th Infantry Division Medic "Dixon" 12-inch figure - aka Andrew Garfield stars as Doss (pics HERE)