Venom is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, produced by Columbia Pictures in association with Marvel Entertainment and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. It is intended to be the first film in Sony's Marvel Universe, adjunct to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film is directed by Ruben Fleischer from a screenplay by Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinkner, Kelly Marcel, and Will Beall, and stars Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock / Venom, alongside Michelle Williams, Riz Ahmed, Scott Haze, and Reid Scott.
The world popular villain "Venom" comes in the Amazing Yamaguchi series! Fully posable featuring a whopping 47 points of articulation to wreak all kinds of havoc, and includes 4 attachable tendrils of evil black goop, an extra head to vary his expression, and a big ol' swiveling tongue! Venom's body has surpassed the size of a normal human being and almost looks like it's about to burst! Its powerful physique turned into a mass of muscles is faithfully recreated. The Amazing Yamaguchi Venom features an overwhelming volume, out-of-the-ordinary expressions and an articulation range that you would never think possible for such a big figure!
The silhouette of Venom's thick muscles and the blood vessels all over them have been depicted in detail. Large joints, ball joints and hinges are used extensively to support his heavy body, allowing you to pose him without issues. By dividing the shoulder blades it's possible to project the arm forward without interfering with the thick chest. Since the shoulder blades are connected with ball joints, they can be moved in any direction.
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The Symbiote parts infesting his body all have joints of the same size, allowing you to attach them to many different points. By connecting the Symbiote parts to each other you can recreate his stretched out arm like in the comics.
The world popular villain "Venom" comes in the Amazing Yamaguchi series! Fully posable featuring a whopping 47 points of articulation to wreak all kinds of havoc, and includes 4 attachable tendrils of evil black goop, an extra head to vary his expression, and a big ol' swiveling tongue! Venom's body has surpassed the size of a normal human being and almost looks like it's about to burst! Its powerful physique turned into a mass of muscles is faithfully recreated. The Amazing Yamaguchi Venom features an overwhelming volume, out-of-the-ordinary expressions and an articulation range that you would never think possible for such a big figure!
The silhouette of Venom's thick muscles and the blood vessels all over them have been depicted in detail. Large joints, ball joints and hinges are used extensively to support his heavy body, allowing you to pose him without issues. By dividing the shoulder blades it's possible to project the arm forward without interfering with the thick chest. Since the shoulder blades are connected with ball joints, they can be moved in any direction.
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The Symbiote parts infesting his body all have joints of the same size, allowing you to attach them to many different points. By connecting the Symbiote parts to each other you can recreate his stretched out arm like in the comics.