The Expendables 2 is a 2012 American ensemble action film directed by Simon West, written by Richard Wenk and Sylvester Stallone and based on a story by Ken Kaufman, David Agosto and Wenk. It is a sequel to the 2010 action film The Expendables, and stars Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, Liam Hemsworth, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The story follows the mercenary group known as "The Expendables" as they undertake a seemingly simple mission which evolves into a quest for revenge against rival mercenary Jean Vilain, who murdered one of their own and threatens the world with a deadly weapon.
Jean-Claude Van Damme plays Jean Vilain: Leader of an opposing team of mercenaries known as the Sangs. Van Damme was intentionally distant from the cast and crew during filming to stay in character.
You can pre-order this Play Toy P003 1/6 scale The Villain 12-inch figure from TFH (link HERE)
Related posts:
December 29, 2012 - Review 3: Jason Statham as Lee Christmas – Art Figures 1/6 Soldiers of Fortune 12-inch figure (pictures HERE)
September 12, 2013 - The Expendables 2 Gunner Jensen (Dolph Lungren) 12-inch Figure aka Art Figures 1/6 scale Soldiers Of Fortune 2 posted HERE
September 15, 2013 - Army of Two: Art Figures 1/6 Soldiers Of Fortune Lee Christmas and Gunner Jensen (pictures HERE)
October 10, 2013 – Presenting Expendables 2 cast of Barney Ross, Lee Christmas & Gunner Jensen, the Terrific Trio (pictures HERE)
Jean-Claude Van Damme plays Jean Vilain: Leader of an opposing team of mercenaries known as the Sangs. Van Damme was intentionally distant from the cast and crew during filming to stay in character.
Incoming Play Toy P003 1/6th scale The Villain 12-inch figure OR Jean-Claude Van Damme JCVD as Jean Vilain will come with 1/6 scale head sculpt, 12-inch figure body, 4 swappable hands, black leather coat, long sleeve black T-shirt, belt, tactical belt, boots, sunglasses, AUG assault rifle, pistol x 2, pistol magazines x 2, shoulder holster, metal hunting knife, hunting knife sheath, figure stand. Scroll down to see the rest of the pictures.
There was a similar 12-inch figure released by BBI a long time ago under their "Elite Force: Terminate" line. It was a 1/6 scale Sniper Assassin "Lucifer" with what looked like a young Robert De Niro head sculpt. You can check out the review and pictures in my toy blog post HERE
Does the 1/6 scale head sculpt resemble Jean-Claude Van Damme?
Close-up pictures of the Jean-Claude Van Damme head sculpt
Eyes can make or break an action figure's looks. In this case, the sunglasses do help capture the JCVD look
You can pre-order this Play Toy P003 1/6 scale The Villain 12-inch figure from TFH (link HERE)
Related posts:
December 29, 2012 - Review 3: Jason Statham as Lee Christmas – Art Figures 1/6 Soldiers of Fortune 12-inch figure (pictures HERE)
September 12, 2013 - The Expendables 2 Gunner Jensen (Dolph Lungren) 12-inch Figure aka Art Figures 1/6 scale Soldiers Of Fortune 2 posted HERE
September 15, 2013 - Army of Two: Art Figures 1/6 Soldiers Of Fortune Lee Christmas and Gunner Jensen (pictures HERE)
October 10, 2013 – Presenting Expendables 2 cast of Barney Ross, Lee Christmas & Gunner Jensen, the Terrific Trio (pictures HERE)