"I, Robot" is a 2004 American dystopian science fiction action film directed by Alex Proyas. Will Smith stars in the lead role of the film as Chicago Police Detective Del Spooner. In the year 2035 a techno-phobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a robot, which leads to a larger threat to humanity.
Years prior, a car accident sent him and a 12-year-old girl into a river. He was saved from drowning by a robot, but only because it computed that he had a higher probability of survival, so despite his pleas to the robot, the girl was left to drown. The incident left him with a robotic prosthetic arm and guilt over the girl's death. Spooner now harbors a strong distrust for robots and the advancement of technology; he is certain that a human would have saved the girl if one had been in a position to make the same choice.
Related posts - Will Smith as Robert Neville:
December 6, 2012 - Review of MC Toys 1/6 scale Trialmaster Leather Jacket suit for "I am Legend" 12-inch figure
FEBRUARY 17, 2008– I am Legend (2007)
DECEMBER 7, 2008– I am Legend (2007) revisited
JANUARY 15, 2012– Kitbash 1/6 scale Will Smith as Robert Neville from "I am Legend"
Other Will Smith 12-inch figures:
FEBRUARY 16, 2008– Dragon Models Limited (DML) "Bad Boys II" Will Smith as Police Detective Mike Lowrey
AUGUST 16, 2012– Dragon Models (DML) MIB3 (Men In Black III) 1/6th scale Will Smith as Agent J 12-inch Figure
AUGUST 18, 2012– Review II: Dragon Models (DML) MIB3 (Men In Black III) Will Smith as Agent J 12-inch Figure
Years prior, a car accident sent him and a 12-year-old girl into a river. He was saved from drowning by a robot, but only because it computed that he had a higher probability of survival, so despite his pleas to the robot, the girl was left to drown. The incident left him with a robotic prosthetic arm and guilt over the girl's death. Spooner now harbors a strong distrust for robots and the advancement of technology; he is certain that a human would have saved the girl if one had been in a position to make the same choice.
This is the recently released MC Toys F-032 1/6 scale Plainclothes Cop set which comes with Beanie, T-shirt, Leather Shoulder Holster, Pistol, Leather Long Coat, Leather pants, Allstar shoes. NOTE: 1/6 scale head sculpt and 12-inch figure body NOT included. I picked up the Will Smith head sculpt loose from a local 1/6 scale shop and added the 12-inch body so that I could suit up the figure. Scroll down to see the rest of the pictures.
Here's 1/6 scale Will Smith as Del Spooner in "I, Robot" without his leather long coat, wearing just the gray long sleeve T-shirt, black leather pants and shoes. The shoes are the type where you actually have to slip the feet in to wear them. I still much prefer these proper 1/6 scale footwear than the "boot-feet" that a lot of manufacturers are going into, all taking a leaf out of Hot Toys book, since it was Hot Toys who started the whole "boot-feet" thing. Recently, a few boot-feet have not been compatible with the leg pegs and that can be quite a P.I.T.A.
Here's a closer look at the 1/6 scale gray long sleeve T-shirt and leather shoulder holster
In the "I, Robot" film, Detective Spooner (Will Smith) carries a futuristic custom pistol that is supposed to be a Semiautomatic 9mm. It is built from a 2 part plastic shell (with parts molded from a Walther P99) that has a real Taurus Model 85 .38 special revolver hidden inside. That's NOT what is included. What is included is a 1/6 scale SIG Sauer P228 semi-automatic pistol
The P228 comes with two pistol magazines, one spare clip in the holder and one in the gun itself.
Close look at the black leather pants
A close-up view of the 1/6 scale Allstar shoes
Here's 1/6 scale Will Smith as Del Spooner in "I, Robot" wearing the beanie and black leather long coat
The beanie seems to be too small and doesn't fit his head nicely.
I decided to go without the beanie but kept everything else
Scroll down to see the rest of the pictures of a fully attired Del Spooner with MC Toys MCF-032 1/6 scale Plainclothes Cop set
Here's a closer look at the 1/6 scale SIG Sauer P228 semi-automatic pistol, a compact version of the P226. It comes with removable magazine and movable slide.
Since I don't have an actual 1/6 scale USR NS-5 robot model, I decided to use a Takara Henshin Cyborg instead to be 12-inch Del Spooner's companion
Related posts - Will Smith as Robert Neville:
December 6, 2012 - Review of MC Toys 1/6 scale Trialmaster Leather Jacket suit for "I am Legend" 12-inch figure
FEBRUARY 17, 2008– I am Legend (2007)
DECEMBER 7, 2008– I am Legend (2007) revisited
JANUARY 15, 2012– Kitbash 1/6 scale Will Smith as Robert Neville from "I am Legend"
Other Will Smith 12-inch figures:
FEBRUARY 16, 2008– Dragon Models Limited (DML) "Bad Boys II" Will Smith as Police Detective Mike Lowrey
AUGUST 16, 2012– Dragon Models (DML) MIB3 (Men In Black III) 1/6th scale Will Smith as Agent J 12-inch Figure
AUGUST 18, 2012– Review II: Dragon Models (DML) MIB3 (Men In Black III) Will Smith as Agent J 12-inch Figure